044: What we learnt talking to 100 000 men

044: What we learnt talking to 100 000 men

Blokes aren’t great at talking about their feelings—but we'd argue that it's not because we don’t communicate, we just do it differently. In this episode, Matty and Rob dive into how men actually talk, why we dodge deep convos, and what really works when trying to get a bloke to open up. They break down the myth that men hate talking about emotions, why face-to-face chats can feel like an interrogation, and how banter, beers, and shared activities are often where the real convos happen. Whether you’re a bloke who struggles to talk, a mate trying to check in, or a woman wondering how the hell to get through to the men in your life—this episode is packed with practical hacks to make communication easier! 

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Skip to the juicy bits:

[00:00:00] Intro.

[00:01:08] Men's communication and vulnerability.

[00:04:17] Meeting guys in their space.

[00:08:31] Men communicate shoulder to shoulder.

[00:12:30] Banter vs. Bullying Dynamics.

[00:15:23] Importance of banter among mates.

[00:20:00] Communicating with men effectively.

[00:24:06] Building trust in communication.

[00:26:30] Importance of listening in conversations.


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